The Playbook
Welcome to the Playbook
This is our Free Intelligent Conversation Playbook—here you'll find everything we think you'll need to start conversations with strangers and spread FreeIC in your city. This playbook will cover best practices, how to get signs and cards, and how to start conversations. Let’s get started 👇
Learn FreeIC
First things first: familiarize yourself with FreeIC’s mission and vision. We also recommend watching the Free Intelligent Conversation TEDx Talk and reading testimonials for some added perspectives.
Best practices
Next, we recommend that you check out our How to FreeIC guide and/or watch the FreeIC: How-To video posted here to learn best practices we’ve picked up over the years.
Including things like what to expect, what to do, and how to start conversations.
Need to build your conversations skills before attending an event?
We’ve partnered with the Constructive Dialogue Institute (CDI) to help you prepare to hold conversations with people from all walks of life.
CDI offers a free online program called Perspectives that uses short psychology-based lessons to improve your ability to communicate across differences. Sign up here.
Get signs & cards
Head to the Get Signs and Cards page to download a FreeIC sign.
We recommend getting signs laminated and printed on 11x17 inch pound paper. Feel free to print the sign on anything you'd like. (Paper, poster-board, etc).
You can also purchase a sign to support the organization 😬
Question Cards
We know starting conversations with strangers can be intimidating. To help break the ice, we've created FreeIC Question Cards.
These cards have thought-provoking questions that we've found to be great for getting conversations rolling.
Purchase the English translation at our shop
or contact us to get other languages.
Start Conversations
You're Ready To Hit The Streets!
We'd love to support your upcoming outing in anyway we can. We'd also love to hear about how it went, after you've gone.
If you have any questions, would like to share about your experience, and/or need anything you need from us—please, please, please shoot us an email.